I am a BIG Michaels fan. So much so that I used to pride myself on having the aisle numbers memorized for different products. Well, a new home (which meant a different Michaels location that had a different layout) and two kids later, and I needed an alternative way to get my Michael's fix. Their Buy Online Pick-up In- Store option was just the thing!

Using their Buy Online Pick-up In-store method makes things nice and easy. My general approach is to get the NEED items on my list using this service. That way, when we arrive, I can focus on the WANT items without having to worry about forgetting something. The boys like to push the button for service and once we get our bag of goods we usually take a spin around the store for some other items and they love to take it all in!

On this recent trip, I purchased some of my go-to gift-wrapping essentials (I share more about the items in an upcoming Craft Room Wrapping Station Blog), a new type of paint pen for the Boys by Kwik Stix™ , and some party supplies for our upcoming Dino party (more about this in a future Dinosaur themed birthday party Blog).

Our thoughts on the Kwik Stix™ Paint Pens: I was looking for something different for the boys to try and this was a WIN. When we are out to eat and crayons are offered, they love them. At home, when they know mom has a room full of other craft supplies, they refuse to use crayons! They usually ask to paint or use (permanent) markers. Both of these things can be messy! The concept of paint in a marker format seemed perfect. It is advertised as drying within 90 seconds and I think it is even quicker than that! Any clean up I have had to do so far is because the boys went off the paper and not because their hands rubbed against wet paint. To clean up, l just use a wet wipe. The kids attention with them is longer than I would expect as well, which is a plus. They enjoy creating with them and we are all happy with the results! Try them at Michaels and if you haven't done the Buy Online Pick-up In-store option yet, try that too!
Linking Recap:
Kwik Stix™ Solid Tempera Paints (used and loved by our boys!) found at Michaels Stores
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My posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t incur additional costs, but I may receive a small commission, which helps me keep this blog up and running, and the craft room bumping. Thanks for supporting me as I create products and share my experiences.
Just Three Easy Steps (really Two haha)!